2024년 12월 29일 오전 9시 3분
제주항공 여객기를 타고
전남 무안공항으로 귀국하시다가
불의의 사고로 유명을 달리하신 179명의 희생자께
명복을 비오며
유족분들과 슬픔을 나누고져 합니다.
얼마나 놀라셨을꺄
얼마나 아프셨을까
얼마나 뜨거웠을까
가슴이 먹먹합니다.
너무나 슬프기만 합니다.
Mourning the victims of the Muan Airport plane crash
December 29, 2024 9:03 AM
On Taking a Jeju Air flight
Returning to Muan Airport in Jeollanam-do, Korea
To the 179 victims who lost their lives in unexpected accidents.
May you rest in peace
I would like to share my sorrow
with their bereaved families.
How surprised they must have been!
How much did they hurt!
how hot was they in the Air!
My heart aches.
It's just so sad.
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