Overseas Travel/라오스,미얀마Laos & Myanmar

Greeting from Phúc (Leo)

Peter Hong 2016. 1. 20. 19:36

Greeting from Phúc (Leo)


Hi I'm Phúc (that is the Vietnamese writing) you can call me Leo (in Leonard).
I just write to let you know I arrived Inle Lake this early morning (about 3a.m) the weather was so cold that I could not sleep even I had a thick blanket.
For the main purpose of this letter I would like to share some tips for you in Bagan.
Hotel I think maybe good is Winner guess house (I lived there as well) the cost is 12$ or 15,000kyats (they accept both paid by $ and kyats) they have single room the shared bathrooms and restrooms is outside ( you can see when get there)
You could rent a scooter or bike (I can see how strong is your legs)
You should go to see the palace in there so you could have a good comparison with the one in Mandalay. Of course it is smaller because it was belonged to Bagan dynasty (just a area not big as King Mindone's dynasty) but It is very appealing (I supposed that) the ticket is 8,000kyats (if I don't make a mistake about memory's). There is also a traditional music performance at night (the ticket is about 10,000kyats).

There are several notices pagoda there (I think you could find it easily in lonely planet book). There is a market in
With the supporting by bicycle and your strong legs as well I think you could have a wonderful trip in there.

I just wander that this message could reach you or not but I hope you could read it and find it is helpful.

My hands are still shaken when writing mail to you this morning. I just rent a bike here as well, I will have breakfast and go around here.

Write to me when you get this mail and don't forget to told me about your trip.

Best regards
From Leo the little boy.

Re: Greeting from Phúc (Leo)

Hi Mr. Hong,
After back to VIỆT nam, I am quite busy with my group star-up project. Running around city all day for preparing the debut of our project. By the way I had a good news that I received 2 job opportunities from my friends in working in Myanmar (maybe I can back to enjoy more about this country) and in Vietnam with the foreign companies (as a technician). I just had the interview with Myanmar side this noontime and hope that it will get the positive result. If it were not work I will try my luck with another one.
Please keep me up-to-date with your life, if there is any good news please send me an email.

Thanks and best regards 

Ngày 20-01-2016, vào lúc 17:34,

Hi, Leo.

Thank you a lot for your good tips in Bagan and Inle Lake as well as your kindness in Mandalay. In fact I've already arrived at Korea 
today's morning from Yangon.
During my trip, I can't read your e-mail letter at all because I have no computer.
I will post your picture and warm letter on my blog and I don't forget you forever as a nice friendship.
See you again and take care.

Mr. Hong from Korea.

Re: Hi, Leo



메일 내용

Hi Mr. Hong, 

I am also welcome the Lunar new year so I was busy to clean up the house, re-decorated some stuffs. Therefore that is the reason why I do not check emails in recently. 
I am still lazy to upload the pictures on Facebook and I just had finished 2 interviews through Skype (still waiting for the responds) if everything goes smoothly I can get back to work after lunar new year. If it is not I will try to apply to another jobs (still need working for earning the livings and as always traveling :D )

Moreover, I would love to travel to Korea some days hope that I can visit your house as well. For usual how much it is cost to travel to Korea (so maybe I need to save money from now) 

And the last thing I would like to notice you that in this holidays I will go to 2 places. The first one is Ho Tram (near Vung Tau) on tomorrow and maybe the second is the Pirates Island (belong to Rach Gia province in the Thailand gulf) in the next 5 day (still not decide yet, just try to gather some friends). 

In finally I wish you all the best for the next lunar new Monkey year (that zodiac is mine as well) for your healthy, traveling more with the brave heart and an open mind. Hope that we can meet again in the very near times ;) 

Best regards 

Ngày 06-02-2016, vào lúc 11:55, 홍세영 <hongsyong@hanmail.net> viết:

Hi, Leo

How was it going? I finished posting my pictures on my blog. 
It took long time to classify pictures taken in Myanma and Laos in order. 
I'll send your two pictures on e-mail.
As soon as you receive them, please drop me a line. 
If you visit Korea some day, I hope I can meet you surely. 
And I will help you to take a trip in Korea. 
I hope you will be in my house with me for some days.
The day after tomorrow, we Koreans have New Years Day of Lunar carendar. 
I'll have a good day with my family on this day.
Take care. 
Hong from South Korea.

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