English Class/Advanced English

암기해야할 영어표현

Peter Hong 2013. 12. 18. 14:47

Ⅰ. 자주 보지만 말하려면 생각나지 않는 동사관련 구문 24


1. It's likely to rain. ~것 같다

2. Don't stop. Keep going. 계속 ~ 하다

3. I intend to finish this job, so don't wait for me. ~ 하려고 하니까

4. Feel free to call me if you have any problem. 언제든지 ~ 해라

5. You can either go there or stay here.

6. I can't wait to see him. / I'm dying to see him. ~ 싶어 죽겠어

7. I'd rather do it today than put it off till tomorrow.

8. Please be sure to finish it by the 15th. / Please make sure (that) you ~ . 꼭

9. You should have heard the lecture. ~ 했어야 했는데

10. I don't deserve (to win) this prize. 자격이 없다.

11. Let me help you. 제가 도와드릴게요

12. This house is worth a hundred million won.

13. Do you happen to know his beeper(cell phone) number?

/ Do you know ~ by any chance 혹시

14. Can't you see why she's upset? 모르겠니?

15. Your insight for products is getting better 점점 더 나아진다.

16. It turned out he took a bribe? 판명되다

17. I feel bad (guilty) that I didn't call home. 마음에 걸리다

18. I can't afford to pay this amount of money all at once. 여유가 없다

19. I'm supposed to meet Dr. Reynold today. 하기로 되어 있다

20. Let's see how they respond. 보자

21. I had a good weekend hanging around with my friends.

22. Please leave me alone. 있게 해 줘

23. I doubt (that) he was the one who spread the rumor. ~ 일 것 같지 않다

24. It appears (that) our economic situation will get better next year. ~ 것 같다


Ⅱ. 자주 보지만 말하려면 생각나지 않는 기타관련 구문 10


1. You have to pay the phone bill by the 25th, 해야 해

otherwise (or) pay an extra charge. 안 그러면

2. It's not that I don't like him, it's just that he doesn't like me.

3. I'd appreciate it if you would send us a sample of the product. 감사하겠다

4. Suppose that happened in Korea, how do you think people would react?


5. I made a chart so that you can understand it better. ~ 할 수 있도록

/ I made a chart in order for you to understand it better.

6. That was the funniest movie I've ever seen. ~ 중에 가장

7. How did your exam go? 어떻게 봤니?

8. What we need is your fine support. 필요한 것은

9. All I have to do is wash the dishes. ~ 할 것이라고는

10. Just in case I'm not in my office, I'll let you know my beeper number.

~ 지도 모르니까


Ⅲ. 영어식으로 발상이 안되니까 사용이 어려운 구문 11


1. I got (become) so embarrassed when he asked me the question. 당황했어

2. I was told (that) you are going back to the US this fall. ~ 라고 들었어

3. What makes you say that? 왜

4. How long have you been in Korea? cf) How long have been waiting?

~ 한지 얼마나 되었나?

5. I promise to call you as soon as I arrive. / I promise I will call ~ . 꼭

6. I didn't realize I had lost my wallet until he called me.

I realized I had lost my wallet only after he called me. ~ 하고 나서야

7. I've never been to Hawaii! 가본적이 없다

8. Here it says, "No smoking" cf) The thermometer reads 32。C.

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