English Class/Advanced English

잔소리 영어회화

Peter Hong 2013. 12. 18. 14:56

<하루의 시작>


Wake up! (일어나) It's time to get up! (일어날 시간이다)

Brush your teeth. (양치질해) Did you brush your teeth?

Keep eating. (밥먹어)

Dress/Get dressed/Get changed for school. (옷 갈아 입어)

Finish your breakfast. (아침 얼른 다 먹어라)

Don't leave your pajamas here. (잠옷 벗어놓은 채로 두면 안돼)

Put them where they belong. (정리 해야지)

Be sure to make up your bed.(침대정리해라)

You're wearing the shirt inside out./Your shirt is inside out.

(셔츠를 뒤집어 입었어)

Hurry up, or you're going to be late for school.

(서두르지 않으면 지각한다)

Hurry up, or you'll miss the school bus.

(서두르지 않으면 버스 놓치겠다)

Did you wash your face? (세수 했니?)

Have you put your homework in your backpack? (숙제는 잘 챙겼니?)

Do you have all your stuff?(소지품 챙겼니?)

You forgot your handkerchief and tissue paper.(손수건. 휴지 빠뜨렸어)

Put your jacket on.(겉옷 입고가라)

Put on your shoes.(신발 신어)

You put your shoes on the wrong feet. (신발을 잘못 신었어)

Are you sure you're warm enough?(춥지 않니?)

Tie your shoelaces. (신발 끈을 잘 묶어야지)

Watch the traffic. (차조심해)

Look both ways before you cross a road.(찻길 건널때는 좌우를 확인해)

Come straight home./ Don't stop anywhere on your way home.

(딴 데 들르지 말고 곧장 집에 와라)


<방과 후>


Do you have any homework today?(오늘 숙제 있니?)

Finish your homework first.(먼저 숙제부터 해라)

You are watching too much TV! (텔레비전 너무 많이 본다)

Never talk to a stranger. (낯선 사람하고 절대 말 하지마)

Never take candy or other gifts from a stranger.

(낯선 사람이 주는 것은 무엇이든 받지마라)

Use your common sense. (너의 상식으로 판단해라)

How was school? (학교에선 어땠니?)

Where're your indoor shoes? (실내화는 어디 있니?)

Wash your hands and gargle well. (손 씻고 양치질해라)

Roll up your sleeves!(손 씻을 때-소매를 걷어라)

Have you finished your homework?(숙제 다 했니?)

You can only play computer games for half an hour a day.

(게임은 하루에 30분만해라)

Don't sit so close to the TV. (너무 텔레비전 가까이 가지마)

It's bad for your eyes.(눈 나빠진다)

Keep your word.(약속을 지켜라)

Tell Mommy where you are going.(어디 가는지 말하고 가라)

Be back home by five. ( 5시까지 돌아와 )

Come home before dark.(어두워지기 전에 와라)

If a stranger frightens you, shout for help!

(무서운 사람 만나면 도와달라고 소리쳐라)

You must stay at meeting point. (약속 장소에서 떠나면 안 돼)

Call me when you get there. (도착하면 전화해)

It's too wet to go out. (비가 많이 와서 나갈 수 없어)


<아이 방에서>


It's a mess again! (또 이렇게 어질러 놓다니!)

Why do you always make such a mess?( 왜 늘 어지럽히니?)

Pick up your toys./Put your toys away.(장난감 정리해)*탁자를 정리하다

Keep your room straight.(항상 정리해야지)

Put it back where it was.(제자리에 갖다놓아라)

Put back the book on the shelf.(책을 책꽂이에 꽂아라)

Where did this toy come from? (이 장난감 어디서 났니?)

Did you borrow this from somebody? (누구한테 빌렸니?)

No ball playing in the room.(방에서 공놀이하면 안 돼)

Go easy with the Scotch tape.( 스카치테이프 아껴 써라)

Don't waste your pocket money.(용돈 낭비하지 마라)

Be sure to write your name on your stuff.(소지품에 이름을 써라)


<친구와 함께>


Don't be a bully!(장난 좀 그만 쳐)

Why are you so mean/nasty/rotten? (심술 궃기도 하구나)

First is the worst, second is the best, third is the hairy chest.

(1등은 최악, 2등은 최고, 3등은 털북숭이 가슴?? 이다)

Don't pick on such a little kid. (어린아이를 괴롭히면 못 써)

Don't beat up girls! (여자애한테 난폭하게 굴면 안 돼)

When you do something bad, you should say'"I'm sorry."

(잘못했으면 바로 사과해야 한다)

Take turns.(순서대로 해라) *Make up.(화해해라)

Are you having trouble with a bully? (누가 널 괴롭히니?)

This is an universal problem. (그것은 보편적인 문제다)


<아플 때>


I'm allergic to eggs. (계란에 땅콩 알레르기가 있다.)

Big boys don't cry. (다 큰애는 울지 않아)

Are you coming down with a cold?(감기 기운 있는 거 아니니?)

(코감기-the sniffles *독감-flu)

Maybe you have a temperature. (열이 있나 봐)

Actually, you have a slight fever.(역시 열이 조금 있구나)

Let's put a cooling towel on your forehead.(이마 좀 식히자)

Take your medicine even if it is bitter.(써도 약은 꼭 먹어야 돼)

Put your hand over your mouth when you cough.기침이 나올때 입가려.

You have a runny nose.(콧물이 나오는구나)

You have a bloody nose.(코피가 나네)

Does your tummy(배, 어른은 stomach) hurt? (배 아프니?)

Do you feel like throwing up? (토할 것 같니?)

Show me where it hurts. (다친 데를 보여줘)

Do you have diarrhea? (설사하니?) It's not serious.(별거 아니네)


<간 식>


No more sweets today. (과자 좀 그만 먹어)

You'll get cavities. (충치 생긴다 * cavity:충치)

Go easy with the juice. (주스 너무 많이 마시지마)

You won't have room for dinner. ( 저녁 못 먹는다. *room 은 여분의뜻))

Share the potato chips. (모두 감자튀김 먹어라)


<형 제>


No fighting. (싸우지 마) Don't fight over it. (그만 좀 싸워)

Be nice to each other. (사이좋게 지내야지)

Mary, don't bug/bother Tom. (Mary, Tom을 귀찮게 하지 마)

Tom, don't do that, they will copy you.(그러지 마 그러면 그들이 따라한다)

Mary, don't copy what Tom does. ( Mary, Tom을 따라하지 마)

Don't be a copycat. (흉내 내지 마 * copycat 흉내 내는 사람)

Did you say,"I'm sorry."?/Did you apologize to him? (사과했어?)

Stop screaming at each other. ( 둘 다 소리 좀 지르지 마 )

Both of you are wrong.(둘 다 나빠)

Share the job and work as a team. (도와가면서 해야지)


<드라이브와 쇼핑>


Put on your seat belt.

Don't touch anything because these are all breakable.

( 이것저것 손대지 마 망가지니까 * breakable:망가지기 쉬운 )

자동차: Get in.(타라) Get out.(내려라)

* 전철,버스: Get on. Get off.

You will get your treat. (간식 사줄게)

To go. /Take out. (가지고 가다)

Stop fighting or I'll throw you out. (차 안에서 싸우면 내리라고 할 거야)

What heavy traffic! (길이 막히네)

Don't go wandering off. (멀리 가면 안 돼)

Don't run off, or you'll get lost. (돌아다니면 길 잃어버린다)




Behave yourself! / Don't be so rude. (얌전하게 굴어)

Keep eating, or I'll turn the TV off. (TV만 보지 말고 계속 좀 먹어라)

Finish your milk. (우유 다 먹어라)

Take your dishes to the sink. (그릇을 싱크대에 갖다 놓아라)

Come sit at the table./ Have a seat. (자리에 앉아)

Will you put the plates on the table? (접시를 식탁위에 놓아 주겠니?)

It's for you.(음식을 주면서-어서 먹어)

Move closer to the table.( 식탁에 붙어 앉아 )

Sit up straight.(똑바로 앉아) Don't slurp your food.(소리내지 말고 먹어)

Don't stuff your mouth.(한입에 너무 많이 먹지마/stuff:채워넣다,가득담다)

I hope you like it. (맛있니?) Are you full? (배부르니?)

Don't leave the mayonnaise open. ( 마요네즈 뚜껑을 꼭 닫아라 )

You will burn your tongue. Be careful not to burn your tongue. (혀 데이지 않도록 조심해 )

Vegetables are good for you. ( 야채가 몸에 좋아 )

Don't pick at the food. ( 주워 먹지 마 )

Don't be such *a picky eater.(좋아하는 것만 먹으면 안돼)*골라먹는 사람

Say, "May I be excused?" before you leave. ( 식탁에서 일어나기 전에 괜찮은지 물어봐 )


<목욕하고 잠 잘 때까지>


It's time to take a bath.(목욕할 시간이다) washbowl:세면기 bathtub:욕조

Are you ready for school tomorrow? (내일 학교 갈 준비는 했니?)

Put your pajamas on.(잠옷 입어)

Get changed into your pajamas. (잠옷으로 갈아입어라)

It's 10minutes past your bedtime.(벌써 잘 시간이 지났어) 10mim:늦었다

Lights out. (불 끈다) Sweet dreams. (잘 자)


<그 밖의 일상대화>


What's the hell! (무슨 일이야) Cheer up!(힘내)

Don't panic. (당황하지 마 *panic:겁에 질리는 것)

Take your time, please. (서두르지 마)

Get the morning paper for Daddy. (아빠한테 신문 갖다 드려라)

Don't keep secrets from your parents. (엄마, 아빠께 감추면 안돼)

Don't use that word. (그런 나쁜 말 하면 안돼)

Be quiet! I'm on the phone. (조용히 해. 엄마가 전화하잖아)

Don't bang the door. (문 좀 조용히 닫아 * bang:소리 내며 닫다)

Stop pounding the door. (쿵쾅거리지 마 * pound:쿵쾅거리다)

Let me trim your nails. (손톱 깎아 줄게)

No kidding. (놀리지 마) Don't talk back to me. (말대꾸하지 마)

Don't excuse yourself. (변명하지 마)

Don't always look for the easy way out. (편한 것만 찾으면 안 돼)

You learn from your mistakes. (실패도 다 공부가 된다)

You must accept this.(그만 포기해) Try, try again.(몇 번이라도 다시 해)

Practice makes perfect. (연습이 제일 중요해)

Stop whining! (그만 징징거려 * whine: 구슬피 울다, 흐느끼다)

Ask us before you do such a thing. (그런 일은 부모께 먼저 묻고 해라)


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